DIARORA is a solution-based and action-oriented Movement focused on the interests and benefits of the landless, marginalized, and dejected majority in South Africa.
DIARORA is a law-abiding movement that subscribes to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
DIARORA believes in Pan-Africanism and the integration of the African continent.
DIARORA will always be in solidarity, support, and advocacy for the poor and will act as a vanguard mass movement for disadvantaged groups, including people living with disabilities, isolated elderly people, the youth, children, and migrants.
DIARORA will engage in community work to assist systematically marginalized people of South Africa in accessing opportunities that exist and are subsidized by the government.
The Office Bearers will oversee the organisation
The Office Bearers will consist of five top officials and 18 National Executive Members, forming the Board of Governance of the organisation.
Term of Office: Office bearers will serve for three years, as agreed upon by the general membership at the 1st National Conference. They may stand for re-election for additional terms as long as their services are needed, and they are willing to serve.
Vacancies: The Office Bearers must appoint someone to fill any vacancy that reduces the number of Office Bearers as soon as reasonably possible.
Decisions of the NEC: The decisions of the National Executive Committee (NEC) are binding on all lower structures.
Resignations: An office bearer may resign from their position in writing.
Disqualification or Removal: If an office bearer fails to attend three consecutive meetings without notifying the officials or obtaining leave of absence from the Board, the Board will appoint a new member to take over those responsibilities in consultation with the NEC.